piano, piano bench, piano blog

The Highs and Lows of a Hydraulic piano bench

I took a short walk to my student's place to check out his new Descattiati model 810 Hydraulic. It's not a sports car by any stretch of the imagination, but a piston-packed piano bench that has a vector design that gently nudges the player forward. Without doubt, it's the best reminder, absent the shadow of… Continue reading The Highs and Lows of a Hydraulic piano bench

Ludwig Van Beethoven, piano, Seymour Benstein

Seymour Bernstein’s legendary Op. 111 (Beethoven)

In our 21st Century digital age of Mp4s, CD's, You Tube channeled uploads, and live-streamed recitals, it's a wonder that a performer can bridge the distance from his audience and move listeners to heights of emotional ecstasy. One such exemplary performance of Beethoven's Op. 111, delivered through a modest recorder placed beside Vladimir Horowitz's piano,… Continue reading Seymour Bernstein’s legendary Op. 111 (Beethoven)