"I am the Violin", "I am the Violin" a documentary about Ida Haendel, classissima, classissima.com, director Paul Cohen, Ida Haendel, Ida Haendel violinist, Journal of a Piano Teacher from New York to California, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten, violinist

“Jerusalem of Gold” led me to a violin treasure

Yesterday, I decided to record Nemer's "Jerusalem of Gold" to prepare for a luncheon appearance at an East Bay Jewish Community Center. http://youtu.be/wBjvDRmJgDE Little did I know that after reviewing my you tube upload, that I'd spot a right column of videos with Ida Haendel, a near 90-year old violinist who proved to be a… Continue reading “Jerusalem of Gold” led me to a violin treasure