"Let's sing a Yiddish Song" by Ruth Rubin, Cantor Michael Loring, ethnomusicology, Fiddler on the Roof, Jewish Liturgical Music, pianist, piano, Russia, Russian bubbes, Ruth Rubin, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten, Uncategorized, word press, wordpress.com, yiddish folk song, Yiddish Folk Song Tradition, Yiddish melodies, you tube, you tube video, Zero Mostel

My Ukrainian Grandmother’s music: Preserving a Yiddish culture of Song

From earliest childhood, I remember my bubbe Bessie's tremulous voice as she sang Yiddish lullabies. The words, faintly heard, were upstaged by rapturous melodies. She was otherwise a fixture in a small kitchen, preparing chicken soup with luction (noodles); kneading dough for Shabbat challah; chopping fresh carp to make gefilte fish cakes, and throwing together… Continue reading My Ukrainian Grandmother’s music: Preserving a Yiddish culture of Song