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Irina Gorin, creator of Tales of a Musical Journey, shares her thoughts about braving a new piano teaching universe

From Irina Gorin: “An expert is a person who makes all mistakes possible in a very specific field and learns from those mistakes. So I could probably consider myself getting close to being an expert in teaching children. But I hope there are many more mistakes and learning experiences ahead." This riveting quote set in… Continue reading Irina Gorin, creator of Tales of a Musical Journey, shares her thoughts about braving a new piano teaching universe

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Piano Instruction: How to practice Variation 2, Mozart Sonata No. 11 in A, K. 331 (Videos)

The biggest challenge in this particular variation is the fast-paced tempo and ornament execution--not to mention the fleeting 4 against 3 relationship of treble 32nds above 16ths in the bass. But the latter, should not be a big concern considering how quickly everything spins by. In the video instruction I suggest a step-wise practicing routine… Continue reading Piano Instruction: How to practice Variation 2, Mozart Sonata No. 11 in A, K. 331 (Videos)

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Bias against Black Notes stopped me in my tracks!

I would have been leg pressing at the gym but for my detour to Nancy Williams's Facebook Page. Here's what I found: "Those bloody sharps and flats--those endless calamities of the personal past. Bah! I disown them from the rest of my life, in which I mean to rest." From "Grass" by Mary Oliver. My… Continue reading Bias against Black Notes stopped me in my tracks!

Amazon Irina Morozova, Artis Wodehouse, Earl Wild, Earl Wild Seven Virtuoso Etudes on Gershwin Songs, George Gershwin Concerto in F concert transcription by Grace Castagnetta, George Gerwshin, Gershwin CD, Gershwin Improvisations fro Solo Piano, Gerswhin CD, Irina Morozova, Irina Morozova pianist, Journey of a Piano Teacher from New York to California, Mannes College of Music, pianist, piano, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten, shirley smith kirsten blog, the music of George Gershwin, virtuoso pianists, word press, wordpress.com, Yeol Eum Son, you tube, you tube video

Irina Morozova, pianist, shines playing Gershwin Virtuoso Transcriptions on CD!

Irina Morozova, a name that drew my attention amidst a flood of star-studded "Irina's" in the teaching and performing realm, came through with shining colors in her nuanced readings of George Gershwin Improvisations. The CD title, "Gershwin Virtuoso Transcriptions" encompasses "improvisations" originally delivered by the composer himself on piano rolls, later transcribed by Artis Wodehouse,… Continue reading Irina Morozova, pianist, shines playing Gershwin Virtuoso Transcriptions on CD!