Claude Achille Debussy, pianoforte, pianos

Debussy framed articles and videos enrich our study

It's always a blissful coincidence when a piano teacher discovers a wealth of contemporary commentary about a composer whose music is under study in a partnered learning environment. With a framing introduction about the creator, a mentor and pupil can journey beyond details of notation, fingering, harmony, to absorb context, history, and varying compositional approaches… Continue reading Debussy framed articles and videos enrich our study

piano, piano teaching, piano playing, pianoforte, pianos, playing the piano, Schumann Arabesque, Schumann Arabesque Op. 18

Pianist, Seymour Bernstein revisits the Schumann Arabesque at age 90

As I grappled with matters of tempo, mood, and interpretation in learning a Baroque era work, I found a kindred spirit in Seymour Bernstein who openly shared his introspective thoughts about re-thinking a well-known composition in the piano literature. Encapsulated in an e-mailed communication to his league of followers, Bernstein addresses the common temptation among… Continue reading Pianist, Seymour Bernstein revisits the Schumann Arabesque at age 90

digital pianos, electronic keyboards, piano, piano blog, piano blogging, pianos, Shirley Kirsten, Yamaha digital pianost, Yamaha P-115

Choosing a traveling (Portable) digital piano for myself

Apologetically, I must admit that as an acoustic piano purist, I often need an electronic when I'm doing a dinner party gig and there's no viable alternative. The house piano might be virtually impossible to play or there's no real piano on the premises. And while I love my Yamaha Arius YDP-141 for its touch/tonal… Continue reading Choosing a traveling (Portable) digital piano for myself

blogmetrics,, Flower piano, piano, piano blog, piano blogging, pianos, San Francisco Botanical Garden, San Francisco Botanical Gardens

Flower Piano in photos at the San Francisco Botanical Garden

For twelve days pianos of all shapes and sizes were sprinkled through a verdant paradise as players with diverse repertoire from jazz to Classical serenaded clusters of listeners and a large brood of Canadian Geese. Nature's backdrop was irresistible. This white grand was a challenge to navigate with its stiff, moisture-filled action, though some players… Continue reading Flower Piano in photos at the San Francisco Botanical Garden