"Just Being At the Piano", 19th Century music, 20th Century music, arioso 7, arpeggios, arpeggios for the piano, Claude Debussy, Debussy, Debussy Arabesque no. 1, Impressionistic music, Journal of a Piano Teacher from New York to California, Just Being at the Piano by Mildred Portney Chase, Mildred Portney Chase, pianist, piano, piano lessons, piano teaching, piano world-wide, playing piano, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten, word press, word press.com, wordpress, wordpress.com, you tube, you tube video, yout tube

Piano Technique: Playing beyond the fingers to sculpt beautiful phrases (Debussy Arabesque no. 1)

Many piano students who practice Debussy's Arabesque no. 1 tend to grab and articulate notes, rather than let them flow from energy streaming down relaxed arms into supple wrists. Reliance on fingers-down playing becomes the panacea for accuracy, while it sacrifices poetic musical expression. In the video below, I demonstrate how phrases can be sculpted… Continue reading Piano Technique: Playing beyond the fingers to sculpt beautiful phrases (Debussy Arabesque no. 1)

Brahms Intermezzo Op. 118 no. 2, Debussy Arabesque no. 1, Facebook, Impressionistic music, Nikolai Lugansky, Romantic music, Schumann’s “Faschingsschwank aus Wien”, Seymour Bernstein, Seymour Bernstein pianist, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Kirsten blog, Shirley Smith Kirsten, Uncategorized, word press, wordpress.com, you tube, You Tube interview with Lugansky from Israel, you tube video

Nikolai Lugansky, pianist, plays chess and loves poetry

The nearly 7-minute You Tube interview was telling. Luganksy waxed poetic about poetry, and recited one of his favorites by Boris Pasternak. It was in Russian, but it's lyrical lines stole the show. No translation needed. He was seated beside a conductor named Petrenko, and both were being queried by the first bassist of the… Continue reading Nikolai Lugansky, pianist, plays chess and loves poetry

Andy Strong Haddorff Postcards, Bach Prelude in C minor BWV847, Cinnamon Bear, Cinnamon Bear at Piano World, Debussy Arabesque no. 1, Haddorff, Haddorff piano, Haddorrff console piano, Haddorrff upright piano, Illinois, piano, Piano World, Rockford Illinois, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten, word press, wordpress.com, you tube, you tube video

The Cult of Haddy Haddorff, her dual personality, and lovesick owners

"Haddy" Serious, but exalted in Bach.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkH5p4E2lTE Affording a dreamscape of beauty in Debussy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xv1WpPXSQx8 These are her remarkable polarities. Depending on the weather, and internal environment, she can either raise you up, or let you down. But even with her intermittent note-lazy landscape, she will always sing heart songs. I happen to be in… Continue reading The Cult of Haddy Haddorff, her dual personality, and lovesick owners

arioso7, authorsden, blog, blogger, blogging, blogs about piano, Claude Debussy, Debussy, Debussy Arabesque no. 1, Debussy Arabesque No. 1 by Claude Debussy, Fresno California, Haddorff, Haddorff piano, Haddorrff console piano, pianist, piano, playing piano, Steinway and Sons, Steinway M grand piano, Steinway piano, The art of phrasing at the piano, word press, wordpress.com, Yeti microphone, you tube, you tube video

Debussy Arabesque No. 1 and the back story (Video)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xv1WpPXSQx8 Speaking of pianos, and decisions about which to use, I decided to give Haddy Haddorff another opportunity to sing like a nightingale. This was a late-into-the-night sound exploration following an earlier trip to the Mac Store at Fresno's Fashion Fair Mall. The Yeti mic was not registering--no sound--no explanation, though it was properly connected.… Continue reading Debussy Arabesque No. 1 and the back story (Video)

"Tales of a Musical Journey" by Irina Gorin, Debussy Arabesque no. 1, Debussy Arabesque No. 1 by Claude Debussy, learning piano, mental imagery, mind body connection, Mozart sonata in C K545, music, music and heart, phrasing at the piano, pianist, piano, piano addict, piano instruction, piano instructor, piano lesson, piano lessons, piano pedagogy, piano playing and breathing, piano playing and phrasing, piano playing and relaxation, piano practicing, piano student, piano teacher, piano teaching, Pianostreet.com, pianoworld, pianoworld.com, playing piano, producing a singing tone legato at the piano, Scarlatti, Scarlatti Sonatas, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Kirsten blog, Shirley Smith Kirsten, slow mindful practicing, slow piano practicing, studying piano, Teach Street, teaching piano, The art of phrasing at the piano, W.A. Mozart, whole body listening, whole body music listening, word press, wordpress.com, you tube, you tube video

Jello and other mental images for pianists

Here comes the jello again. I thought I was the only one swimming around in it until I found the good company of Irina Gorin, piano teacher and author, who served what amounted to a jello substitute at her piano lessons. She had packed away a small tub of colorful putty that she dispensed to… Continue reading Jello and other mental images for pianists

classissima.com, Claude Debussy, Debussy, Debussy Arabesque no. 1, Impressionist Music, mindful piano practicing, mindful practicing, muscular memory, phrasing at the piano, piano, piano instruction, piano lesson, piano lessons, piano practicing, piano repertoire, piano teaching, piano teaching repertoire, piano tutorial, Piano World, pianoaddict.com, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Kirsten blog, Shirley Smith Kirsten, singing tone legato, Teach Street, teaching piano, whole body listening, whole body music listening, word press, wordpress.com, you tube, you tube video

A Piano Lesson in progress: Debussy Arabesque No. 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xv1WpPXSQx8 Students find it helpful to revisit parts of their lessons on video. They can pinpoint ways of practicing in baby steps by separating hands, parceling out voices, and shaping phrases. Yesterday, an adult student and I worked on the first section of the Debussy "Arabesque," No. 1, and focused most of our attention on… Continue reading A Piano Lesson in progress: Debussy Arabesque No. 1

Debussy, Debussy Arabesque no. 1, pianist, piano, piano instruction, piano instructor, piano lesson, piano lessons, piano practicing, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Kirsten blog, Shirley Smith Kirsten, slow mindful practicing, slow piano practicing, Teach Street, whole body listening, whole body music listening, word press, wordpress.com, you tube, you tube video

Practicing triplets against eighth notes in Debussy’s Arabesque no. 1 (Video)

Since a few of my students are studying this composition, I decided to make a video addressing the triplets against eighths dualism. In Debussy's Arabesque No.1 there are measures where triplets in the treble are juxtaposed with eighths in the bass, and in reverse. When practicing the composition, I first disassociate the part each hand… Continue reading Practicing triplets against eighth notes in Debussy’s Arabesque no. 1 (Video)