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Assessing a piano prior to purchase

This can be an iffy universe, depending on whom is hired to do the new or used piano evaluation. I had one negative experience, paying a tech who basically had a commercial tie to the seller, who was himself a technician buying and selling pianos. Nevertheless, I still embraced my "new" Baldwin Hamilton's character and… Continue reading Assessing a piano prior to purchase

cleaning ivory keys on a piano, Journal of a Piano Teacher from New York to California, Mark Schecter piano technician, pianist, piano, piano maintenance, Piano Street, piano technician, piano tuner, Piano World, playing piano, regulating a piano, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten, using Windex to clean ivory keys, voicing a piano

My Baldwin grand piano gets its first diagnostic, tune-up, and regulation

It sounds like I'm talking about a used car. For Mark Schecter, Registered piano technician it might as well be. He emphasizes that the piano has thousands of parts that must work harmoniously to make playing a smooth and pleasurable journey over the 88s. In the case of my blind date Baldwin, "the old car… Continue reading My Baldwin grand piano gets its first diagnostic, tune-up, and regulation