1958 Tschaikovsky Piano Competition, Moscow, piano, piano competitions, Tschaikovsky, Tschaikovsky Piano concerto in Bb minor, Van Cliburn, word press, wordpress.com, you tube, you tube video, you tube.com, yout tube, youtube.com

Rekindling memories of Van Cliburn, the Cold War, Kirill Kondrashin, etc

A friend sent me a link to her favorite performance of Tschaikovsky's Bb minor, WARHORSE concerto-- the one with the big splash CHORD opener. Pianists dream of conquering these sonorities without a falter, but not necessarily in their lifetime. For me the easiest way to reach to the stars on this one, was to sit… Continue reading Rekindling memories of Van Cliburn, the Cold War, Kirill Kondrashin, etc