adult piano lessons, Bach, Bach Invention, Beethoven, Beethoven Bagatelles, Classical music blog, piano, piano addict, piano blog, piano blogging, piano learning, piano lessons, piano pedagogy, Piano Street, piano teaching, Piano World, recorded piano lesson videos, Shirley Kirsten, summary piano videos

Piano Lesson summary videos cut to the chase

I used to customarily record segments of lessons in progress that required sensitive editing before I uploaded them to you tube. It was not only a big job, but much of the video time was taken up with students lumbering through difficult passages, needing more settled post-lesson time to sift through teacher corrections, comments. Therefore… Continue reading Piano Lesson summary videos cut to the chase

Bach Invention, Bach Inventions, Daniil Trifonov, Fresno California, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach Invention 13 in A minor, J.S. Bach Prelude in C minor BWV 847, Journal of a Piano Teacher from New York to California, MTAC Baroque Festival, Philipp Lorenz Memorial Keyboard Concerts, pianist, pianists, piano, piano blog, piano blogging, piano blogs, piano instruction, piano instructor, piano lesson, piano lessson, piano pedagogy, piano practicing, piano teachers, piano teaching, piano technique, Piano World, piano world-wide,,, pianoworld,, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Kirsten blog, shirley s kirsten, slow mindful practicing, slow piano practicing, studying piano, teaching piano, teaching piano to children, word press, word, wordpress,, you tube, you tube video

A Music Packed Saturday and Sunday! (Video) and NEW PHOTOS!

The MTAC Baroque Festival and Daniil Trifonov's recital at Fresno State cap this weekend's events, giving our city a warm cultural embrace amidst its Bulldog-driven sports fever! First on the line-up, Claudia, 11, will play the Yamaha concert grand piano at the University's recital hall today.(The Steinway is sequestered) She'll offer two Bach selections: Invention… Continue reading A Music Packed Saturday and Sunday! (Video) and NEW PHOTOS!

Bach imitiation, Bach Invention, Bach Invention BWV 784, Bach Inventions, blog, blogger, blogging, counterpoint, Haddorff, Haddorff piano, Haddorff piano company Rockford, Haddorrff console piano, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach Invention no. 13 in A minor BWV784, J.S. Bach two part Inventions, J.S. Bach Well Tempered Clavier, piano instruction, piano instructor, piano lesson, piano lessons, piano pedagogy, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Kirsten blog, Shirley Smith Kirsten, videotaping at piano lessons, Yeti microphone, you tube, you tube video

Performing a piece–Getting it right (all the notes) OR really getting it right (the phrasing and nuance) VIDEOS

For many pianos students, playing 100% perfect notes, with no clunkers is goal in itself. They breathe a sigh of relief looking back on a video of a recital, where they managed to "get it right," counting correct notes from beginning to end. One even managed to play note perfect while intermittently eyeing her family… Continue reading Performing a piece–Getting it right (all the notes) OR really getting it right (the phrasing and nuance) VIDEOS

arioso7, arpeggios, Bach imitiation, Bach Invention, Bach Invention BWV 784, Bach Inventions, Bach Two Part Inventions, Baroque music, blog, blogger, blogging, blogs about piano, boosting the left hand in piano playing, Haddorff, Haddorff piano, J.S. Bach Invention 13 in A minor, J.S. Bach two part Inventions, pianist, piano, piano addict, piano instruction, piano instructor, piano lesson, piano lessons, piano pedagogy, piano playing and phrasing, Piano World,,, word press,, you tube, you tube video

Tutorial: Shared ideas about practicing J.S. Bach Invention 13 in A minor (BWV 784) Videos

As I observed an 11-year old student work on this Invention at lessons, I came up with some ideas to improve the performance landscape. These included an awareness of the dualism of rolling arpeggiated 16ths and detached 8th notes in the opening. More often than not, the arpeggios can sound too flat if the whole… Continue reading Tutorial: Shared ideas about practicing J.S. Bach Invention 13 in A minor (BWV 784) Videos

Bach Invention, Bach Invention no.1 in C Major BWV 772, Bach Inventions, classissima, word press,, you tube

Another Bach Invention 1 added to the list–The Morning After (Video)

I'm in my Bach phase for reasons unknown. A musical flight of fancy can turn in any direction. Since performances of a composition will change as new ideas filter in, one might as well try them out on the You Tube stage, picking the brain and soul about what needs to happen the next time… Continue reading Another Bach Invention 1 added to the list–The Morning After (Video)

Bach Invention, Bach Invention no.1 in C Major BWV 772, Bach Inventions, Bach Two Part Inventions, Baroque music, classissima,, counterpoint, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach two part Inventions, Johann Sebastian Bach, mindful practicing, music, piano addict, piano instruction, piano lesson, piano lessons, piano practicing, Piano World,,, playing piano, Teaching Bach two part inventions, word press,, you tube, you tube video

Revisiting J.S. Bach’s Invention 1 in C, BWV 772 (Video)

Yesterday I had the novel experience of working on Bach's Invention 1 in C Major, via long distance transmission. Beamed to Sydney, Australia, by way of SKYPE, I found myself having gained new insights about a piece I had temporarily tabled. While I had always been aware that the Subject, or main idea, had been… Continue reading Revisiting J.S. Bach’s Invention 1 in C, BWV 772 (Video)

Bach Invention, Bach Inventions, Bach Two Part Inventions, Baroque music, blog, blogger, blogging, Celebration MTAC Fresno, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach Fugue in C minor BWV847, J.S. Bach Prelude in C minor BWV847, J.S. Bach two part Inventions, MTAC, MTAC Baroque Festival, word press,, you tube, you tube video

A piano student’s milestones and memories in photos and video

Today, September 5th, is Claudia's 11th Birthday! She started lessons with me in 2006 when she had just turned 6 after coming to California from Hawaii. I remember her as a shy but wide-eyed child who had studied piano for a year or so. Students who begin piano lessons at a tender age and stay… Continue reading A piano student’s milestones and memories in photos and video

"Just Being At the Piano", "The Inner Game of Tennis", 6 degrees of separation, Amtrak station, Apple iPhone, athletic coaching, athletic training, authorsden, Bach Invention, Bach Inventions, Bach Two Part Inventions, Baroque music, Bay area, Beethoven, Beethoven Moonlight Sonata, California, classical music, classissima,, counterpoint, Creative Fresno, cyber technology, Domenico Scarlatti, El Cerrito, El Cerrito California, El Cerrito piano studio, email, essercizi, Facebook, five finger positions, five finger warm-ups, Fresno, Fresno California, Fresno State University, gymnastics, humor, Internet, iPhone, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach two part Inventions, keyboard technique, Major and minor scales, memoir, Mildred Portney Chase, mind body connection, MTAC, MTAC Baroque Festival, music, music and heart, Music Teachers Asssociation of California, musicology, my space, New York City High School of Performing Arts, Northwest Fresno, Oberlin Conservatory, Old Fig Garden in Fresno, pentachords, performance anxiety, pianist, piano, piano addict, piano instruction, piano lesson, piano pedagogy, piano room, piano society, piano student, piano teacher, piano teaching repertoire, piano technique, piano warm-ups, Piano World,,, publishers marketplace,, pyrotechnical exercises, satire, Scarlatti, Scarlatti Sonatas, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Kirsten blog, Shirley Smith Kirsten, sports, Steinway and Sons, Steinway grand piano, Steinway M grand piano, Steinway piano,, technique, uk-piano-forums, video performances, whole body music listening, word press,, Yamaha piano, you tube, you tube video

The Big Baroque Festival!

I cleared most of my Saturday morning lessons so I could be on time for a special rehearsal at Fresno State. I took no chances given the steady rain these past few days that caused dangerously deep puddles along Shaw Avenue. The inevitable flow of traffic to crowd-jamming Bulldog games would also be a time… Continue reading The Big Baroque Festival!

"Just Being At the Piano", 19th Century music, 20th Century music, arpeggios, Bach Invention, Bach Inventions, Bach Prelude in C Major, Bard College, Baroque music, Beethoven, California, Circle of Fifths, Classical era, classical music, Classical period sonata,, counterpoint, Creative Fresno, El Cerrito, El Cerrito California, Exposition in piano sonata, gymnastics, Internet, J.S. Bach, John Browning, Juilliard, keyboard technique, music, music and heart, Music Teachers Asssociation of California, musicology, New York City High School of Performing Arts, Oberlin Conservatory, pianist, piano, piano addict, piano lesson, piano pedagogy, piano practicing, piano room, piano scales, piano student, piano teacher, piano teaching repertoire, piano technique, Piano World,, pianoworld,, Romantic era music, Romantic music, Rondo form, Rosina Lhevinne, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Kirsten blog, Shirley Smith Kirsten, Steinway and Sons, Steinway grand piano, Steinway M grand piano, Steinway piano,, Teach Street, technique, tempo rubato, The Well Tempered Clavier, uk-piano-forums, Van Cliburn, whole body music listening, word press,, you tube, you tube video

Great Piano Teaching Moments

This remarkable piece of film footage inspired a stream of others. Nadia Boulanger (b.1887-d.1979) the esteemed teacher, composer, theoretician, organist, pianist, taught and influenced so many great musical creators such as Leonard Bernstein, Aaron Copeland, Virgil Thomson, Walter Piston and Philip Glass. From Wikipedia: "Boulanger's teaching methods included traditional harmony, score reading at the… Continue reading Great Piano Teaching Moments

6 degrees of separation, arpeggios, art store, Bach Invention, Bach Inventions, Bach Prelude in C Major, Bach Two Part Inventions, background music, Beethoven Pathetique, Bosendorfer piano, boxing, boxing lessons, California, Casio, casio privia 110, Cato, Chopin, Classical era, classical music, Creative Fresno, digital piano, Domenico Scarlatti, dream piano, electronic keyboard, Facebook, five finger positions, five finger warm-ups, Frederic Chopin, Fresno, Fresno California, fresno filmmakers alliance, Fur Elise, humor, JS Bach, keyboard technique, memoir, MTAC, music, music and heart, music history, Music Teachers Asssociation of California, my space, New York City High School of Performing Arts, Oberlin Conservatory, Old Fig Garden in Fresno, pianist, piano, piano addict, piano finding, piano instruction, piano lesson, piano society, Piano Street, piano teacher, piano warm-ups, Piano World, pianoworld,, private party piano sale, publishers marketplace,, Robert Schumann, Romantic era music, Scarlatti Sonatas, Schumann Arabesque, Schumann New Journal of Music, technique, whole body music listening, word press,

A Performance I’ll Never Forget!

I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to provide keyboard music at a Fresno art supply store. It happened quite unexpectedly around the time I’d bumped into Ralph Cato, US Olympic Boxing Trainer at the neighboring Guitar Center. (“Cato, His Killer Keyboard and A Round of Piano Lessons”) Because I liked the establishment’s acoustical environment, I… Continue reading A Performance I’ll Never Forget!