Birds, Birds Book 1 composed by Seymour Bernstein, Birds Book 2 composed by Seymour Bernstein, Manduca Music Publications, music with bird themes, piano teaching repertoire, Seymour Bernstein, Seymour Bernstein composer, Seymour Bernstein pianist, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Kirsten blog, Shirley Smith Kirsten, With your own Two Hands by Seymour Bernstein, word press,, you tube, you tube video

Birds spring to life in these collections for piano!

Here's a case of music composed by a pianist who has an abundance of talent in so many directions that it's dizzying! If I thought LEONARD Bernstein was the renaissance man, with gifts as a conductor, pianist, composer, and mentor, well here comes SEYMOUR Bernstein in a shimmering spotlight of his own! I'm awestruck! Having… Continue reading Birds spring to life in these collections for piano!