Beethoven's Op. 109 Sonata, classissima,, George Li, Irwin Freundlich, Jeremy Eichler, Journal of a Piano Teacher from New York to California, Lillian Freundlich, NEC, New England Conservatory, pianist, piano, piano repertoire, Russell Sherman, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten, The Boston Globe, Wha Kyung Byun, word press, word, wordpress,, you tube video, yout tube,

George Li’s pianistic idol: Russell Sherman

In a compelling personal interview, Georgle Li waxed poetic about Russell Sherman's artistry: "I really admire and love his playing. It’s so colorful, yet so unique that it’s totally inspiring. There is so much character, so much drama, and he does things totally unexpected that it takes your breath away." George whet my appetite to… Continue reading George Li’s pianistic idol: Russell Sherman