Bridgeport Connecticut, Czar Nicholas I, Druskininkai, East Bronx, Eastern European Jews, family Geneology, ILGWU, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Jessie Taft, Lithuania, Morris Eli Taft, South Bronx, union organizer, Vilna, word press,, Yiddish melodies

Little apple, Big Apple, mayhem, murder and music: my family’s history and genealogy

While shuffling papers within a folder labeled “Piano tuners/technicians,” I stumbled upon two pages clipped together, titled “Descendants of Zalmen Tapruakh (1835-1915) and Michelle Tzinn.” (1850-1915) These were my maternal great grandparents. Tapruakh means “little apple.” (Ironically, I lived in the Big Apple for the first 30 years of my life) The genealogy papers were… Continue reading Little apple, Big Apple, mayhem, murder and music: my family’s history and genealogy