Chopin, Chopin Mazurka, Chopin Mazurka Op. 63 No.3, Chopin Mazurka Op. 68 No. 2, classissima,, Frederic Chopin, Halina Czerny-Stefanska, Irina Morozova, piano playing, piano technique, Romantic era music, supple wrist in piano playing, you tube, you tube video, you, yout tube,

Old World piano playing (1949) with a pronounced wrist break

The supple wrist amounts to a "wrist break" that is discouraged among partisans of the Taubman approach. In the main, they adhere to a forearm-driven piano technique along with rotation, and relaxation . The videos embedded, however, contradict such rigid thinking about the wrist, as demonstrated by the performance of a Polish pianist (1949) A Chopin Mazurka is energized by redundant wrist breaks without incurred injury. As one colleague related in reference to Taubman/Golandsky, "how could decades of Russian teaching so easily be tossed aside."

classissima,, Dennie Mehocich violin teacher, El Cerrito piano studio, Fat Apples in Berkeley California, piano instruction, piano lessons, piano lessons in Berkeley California, piano teacher, you tube, you tube video, you, yout tube,

Launching my new Berkeley Piano Studio! (Video)

Yesterday, a stone's through from Fat Apple's on Martin Luther King Jr. Way, I began my official teaching relationship to Berkeley. It was just weeks after touchdown in the Hopkins neighborhood, a storehouse of delights beckoning me at every corner. I walked myself into the ground with a smile of satisfaction each step of the… Continue reading Launching my new Berkeley Piano Studio! (Video)

piano instruction, piano lessons, playing piano, sight-singing, Theory, Uncategorized, word press,, you tube

The importance of Sight-singing, Ear-Training, and Theory in Piano Study

Theory and Ear-Training are indispensable ingredients of a well-rounded music education.

"Did Somebody Say Fresno" compiled by Aviva Kirsten, Berkeley California, Berkeley piano studio, El Cerrito California, El Cerrito piano studio, Monterey Market in Berkeley California, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten

My new home in Berkeley, California

My dreams of living in Berkeley have been fulfilled!

digital piano, Guitar Center, piano, playing piano, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten, word press, word, wordpress,, Yamaha Arius YDP 141, you tube, you, yout tube,

Bringing home the Yamaha Arius YDP-141, my NO. 1 ranked digital (Video)

Over a year ago I surveyed digital pianos at Guitar Center and Best Buy, and drooled over Yamaha Arius. It was hands down my favorite electronic of the lot. So why was I investing in a plug-in, when I had three acoustics jammed into my living room? Main reason: I'm moving to the Bay area… Continue reading Bringing home the Yamaha Arius YDP-141, my NO. 1 ranked digital (Video)

classissima,, Haddorff, piano, playing piano, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten, word, wordpress, you, yout tube,

The empty nest: “Haddy” will sing in another home

I will have one less piano in about two weeks. "Haddy" Haddorff, the singing nightingale will nest in a new place starting September 16th. Not to worry, she's on temporary loan to a local piano teacher who will keep her in tune, and vocalizing regularly. I'm Berkeley bound and my new apartment can only accommodate… Continue reading The empty nest: “Haddy” will sing in another home