Internet social networking, Journal of a Piano Teacher from New York to California, Klout,, LinkedIn,, piano, Shirley Kirsten


A slew of oddball Linkedin endorsements instantly boosted MY KLOUT score. A measurement of belly punches on the web , it's the latest Internet boxing arena with referees weighing in the world over. Example: After I posted a Facebook LINK to pianist, Murray Perahia’s interview in Israel, 5 Arab cross-over “connections” clicked “PERCUSSION,” drastically boosting… Continue reading KLOUT??

Connections on LinkedIn, Journal of a Piano Teacher from New York to California, LinkedIn, Linkedin endorsements,, New York City High School of Performing Arts, piano, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten, wordpress,

How to win Friends and influence People on LinkedIn

After a major workout at the gym this afternoon, I sat down at my computer, flooded by waves of LinkedIn "endorsements." A new gush of approbations encompassed bird-watching, percussion, band conducting, coin-collecting, baby-sitting and chess-playing. Was I in the midst of a mega makeover? I felt guilty about being showered with praise for my non-existent… Continue reading How to win Friends and influence People on LinkedIn