Alessandro Deljavan, Bohzanov pianist, classissima,, piano competitions, word press, word, wordpress,, you tube, you tube video, you, yout tube,

Alessandro Deljavan is a Cliburn winner for me!

Over at the Piano World forums, it's the morning after selection of Cliburn Competition finalists, and many are aghast that a dynamic, soulful, and risk-taking pianist was overlooked. Here's what one poster said: "Competition winners are typically the reliable pianists somewhere in the middle when it comes to interpretation--those who don't go out on a… Continue reading Alessandro Deljavan is a Cliburn winner for me!

Journal of a Piano Teacher from New York to California, piano competitions, Seymour Bernstein, shirley smith, Shirley Smith Kirsten, Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, Van Cliburn piano competition

Seymour Bernstein’s riveting statement about the piano competition environment and what changes are needed

"Are all of you listening to one spectacular young pianist after another? (Cliburn Competition in progress) "Why should they have to be placed in the position of competing against one another, and facing the possibility of being rejected by a jury? It would be just absurd if a jury was chosen to decide who is… Continue reading Seymour Bernstein’s riveting statement about the piano competition environment and what changes are needed, Journal of a Piano Teacher from New York to California, piano, piano competitions, Teh 14th International Van Cliburn Piano Competition, Van Cliburn, word press

Piano “Competitions”–Do we need them?

The word "competition" in the realm of music-making doesn't work for me. Those who serve the poetry of music and view technique, not as athletically driven, but as a means to a higher artistic end can be offended by glitzy, media-hyped productions that show young Asian, American, Russian, etc. flowers of youth posing for thumbnail… Continue reading Piano “Competitions”–Do we need them?

1958 Tschaikovsky Piano Competition, Moscow, piano, piano competitions, Tschaikovsky, Tschaikovsky Piano concerto in Bb minor, Van Cliburn, word press,, you tube, you tube video, you, yout tube,

Rekindling memories of Van Cliburn, the Cold War, Kirill Kondrashin, etc

A friend sent me a link to her favorite performance of Tschaikovsky's Bb minor, WARHORSE concerto-- the one with the big splash CHORD opener. Pianists dream of conquering these sonorities without a falter, but not necessarily in their lifetime. For me the easiest way to reach to the stars on this one, was to sit… Continue reading Rekindling memories of Van Cliburn, the Cold War, Kirill Kondrashin, etc