Andras Schiff, Bach Prelude in C BWV 846, Elaine Comparone, Harpsichord Unlimited,, piano, playing Bach with pedal, playing Bach without pedal, playing the piano, The Well Tempered Clavier, word press, word, wordpress,, you tube video, you, yout tube,

Playing Bach on the piano: pedal or no pedal

Decisions, decisions about whether to pedal through Bach's ethereal Prelude no. 1 in C Major, BWV 846 (The Well-Tempered Clavier)

Bach counterpoint, Bach Prelude in C BWV 846, Carey Beebe, Elaine Comparone, Harpsichord Unlimited,, Hubbard Harpsichords, J.S. Bach, Johann Sebastian Bach, The Queen's Chamber Band

A Visit with Elaine Comparone at her Harpsichord Palace in New York City

The colors are splendid in a royal procession of well-maintained harpsichords. THREE reside in Elaine Comparone's West Side musical sanctuary. They are at the service of her Majesty, the Queen. (She leads a chamber group known as The Queen's Chamber Band which is Harpsichord Unlimited's featured attraction) The nonprofit organization keeps harpsichords in the limelight… Continue reading A Visit with Elaine Comparone at her Harpsichord Palace in New York City