C# minor Arpeggio for the piano, classissima, classissima.com, piano technique, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten, teaching piano to adults, word press, word press.com, wordpress, you tube, you tube video, yout tube, youtube.com

Piano Technique: Practicing a C# minor arpeggio, in rolled four-note groupings (Adult student lesson-in-progress)

We start by blocking out the Right Hand with a good fingering, reinforcing depth into the keys, and follow-through motion. The arpeggio is then unraveled with curves of energy assisted by relaxed arms, fluid wrists. The turnaround at the top comes with a rotation. http://youtu.be/Cx3M2aAMbmM Related: Practicing a C# minor scale http://youtu.be/bXKU2qKdaMw