Mozart Minuet K. 5, piano lessons by Skype, teaching rhythm

Piano Study: Does counting out beats have to be robotic? (Videos)

I'm open to a panoply of ideas about teaching piano, and I've often integrated a variety of mentoring approaches based on feedback from colleagues. The latest discussion that caught my attention, centered on "counting beats" in the early learning stages of a new composition. For some the notion of oral "counting" at all in the… Continue reading Piano Study: Does counting out beats have to be robotic? (Videos)

classissima,, Mozart Minuet K. 5, piano, piano addict, Piano instruction Mozart Minuet in FK. 2, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten, word press, you tube,

Mozart is a Challenge in any shape, size or form

Tips on learning a Mozart gem!