adult piano instruction, adult piano pupils, adult piano students, Kinderszenen, piano blog, piano blogging, piano pedagogy, piano transcriptions, Robert Schumann, Scenes of Childhood, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten, Traumerei, wordpress, you tube

No dumbing down piano study for adult students

I'm ready for a shower of criticism on this one. After all, some adults want their favorite transcription of the Elvira Madigan theme song, (aka Mozart's Concerto No. 21 in C, Andante) to encapsulate their musical journey---at least for part of the time. And that's OK if the transcription route of top ten, poorly transformed… Continue reading No dumbing down piano study for adult students

adult piano instruction, adult piano students, blogmetrics, Classical music blog, Journal of a Piano Teacher from New York to California, piano, piano blog, piano blogging, piano learning, piano lessons, piano teaching, piano technique

When an adult piano student advances well beyond Primer preliminaries

Peter started piano lessons from scratch about 1 and 1/2 years ago, not reading a note of music at the time, but having gads of enthusiasm about his maiden musical journey. Readers will be reminded of his earliest efforts playing Faber Piano Adventure duets with me. (I chose the Primer edition because it moved slower… Continue reading When an adult piano student advances well beyond Primer preliminaries, Classical era sonata, Journal of a Piano Teacher from New York to California, Mozart, piano blog, piano blogging, piano teaching, piano technique, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten, sonatas, word press, you tube

Applying technical skills to sensitive music learning, and reading between the lines

Just when I thought my wellspring of blog inspired ideas had endured a drought, I had a nagging thirst to explore how technical tools (playing scales, arpeggios, chords, octaves, etc) are woven into music study. Allied to this undertaking, was the idea of inferences and how we make certain decisions about phrasing, articulation, etc. based… Continue reading Applying technical skills to sensitive music learning, and reading between the lines

physical fitness and piano playing, piano blog, piano instruction, piano teaching

Physical fitness and piano playing

I have an addiction to my daily workout at the Downtown 'Y" gym and it's proven beneficial for my piano playing so I'm spreading the word. In the opener of my self-made video, I show examples of dead weight transfer into the keys, which for me, allows a pliant range of dynamics. If I need… Continue reading Physical fitness and piano playing

Bach, Baroque music, blogmetrics,, Classical music blog,, J.S. Bach, Johann Sebastian Bach, Journal of a Piano Teacher from New York to California, piano blog, word press,, you tube,

Getting immersed in LEARNING Bach’s F minor Fugue, BWV 881 (Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2)

My journey through the Baroque master's Fugue no. 12 has been a labor of love though the form enshrined by J.S. Bach can be intimidating by its structural nit-pickings. Wikipedia, for example, cites BWV 847 in C minor, (the Fugue) as a model of internal order, with a carefully marked out Subject;  Answer (a fifth… Continue reading Getting immersed in LEARNING Bach’s F minor Fugue, BWV 881 (Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2)

arioso7, blogmetrics,, Classical music blog, piano, piano blog, piano blogging, piano learning, piano teaching, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten, word press, you tube

Adult piano student stumbling blocks and overcoming them

I sometimes offer a bit of counseling to my brood of adults who often fall into a pit of pervasive self-punishment. The beating up myself student, will often berate himself/herself for having played a scale or piece better before the lesson began. The pupil reasons, if only the teacher disappeared or never showed up, he/she… Continue reading Adult piano student stumbling blocks and overcoming them

Classical music blog, Felix Mendelssohn, Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, piano blog, piano blogging, Romantic music, Songs without Words

Capturing the rocking motion of Mendelssohn’s F# minor Venetian Boat Song

In Felix Mendelssohn's Op. 30, No. 6 Gondola Song, the very character of the lilting motion is sustained in the Left Hand with a metrical awareness of Two beats per measure, not 6. The composition (from the Songs Without Words album) is in 6/8 but translated as duple compound, giving a leaning emphasis on the… Continue reading Capturing the rocking motion of Mendelssohn’s F# minor Venetian Boat Song

piano, piano blog, piano playing, piano teaching, piano technique, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten, staccato, word press, you tube

A Teacher/Student fueled discovery about Staccato playing

I never cease to be amazed by a mutual discovery process that's ongoing between me and my adult students. Without our learning partnership, we would not have periodic awakenings that feed our reciprocal musical development. Case in point, is the attainment of Staccato refinement in its most crisp and animated form. In the past month,… Continue reading A Teacher/Student fueled discovery about Staccato playing

chuck Terpo, piano, piano addict, piano blog, piano maintenance, Piano Street, Piano World

My Steinway M piano is back!

It took the awesome skills of a former Alabaman to resurrect my once beloved M from the dead. The keyboard had been an injury risk for months, plundered by too many technicians with pet regulation formulas and experimental impulses. After 6 months of rotating down weights and disappearing aftertouch, the black keys sat out of… Continue reading My Steinway M piano is back!

Boston grand piano, Essex Piano, piano, piano blog, piano showroom, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten, Steinway B, Steinway Piano Gallery, Walnut Creek

My Piano Assessment adventure at Walnut Creek’s Steinway Piano Gallery Piano Teachers and performing pianists in the Bay area were tapped to evaluate the tone/touch dimension of Steinway, Boston and Essex pianos so I was pleased to be on the invite list--contacted by Justin Levitt, Manager at Steinway's showroom in Walnut Creek, CA. It was a reflection of good will spread far and wide… Continue reading My Piano Assessment adventure at Walnut Creek’s Steinway Piano Gallery