, compare performances of Liszt Contemplation no. 3, Daniel Barenboim, George Li, Liszt, Liszt Consolation no. 3, Liszt Contemplation no. 3, Oberlin, Oberlin Conservatory, pianist, piano, Piano World,,, Romantic era music, Romantic music, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Kirsten blog, Shirley Smith Kirsten, tempo rubato, Vladimir Horowitz, word press,, you tube, you tube video

Comparison of five performances: Liszt Consolation No. 3 (Piano-videos)

After listening intently to Horowitz's reading, I was curious to find others to compare. No doubt a diversity of opinion surrounds any performance, but I had some ideas about why I liked one reading over another. Daniel Barenboim: I always find that his playing is not only inspiring but thoughtful. He delivers an intimate performance… Continue reading Comparison of five performances: Liszt Consolation No. 3 (Piano-videos)