Connell York, Cornet, Cornetist, Fresno, Fresno California, General McArthur, humor, Infantry, Japan, Koga, memoir, Mr. York, Okinawa, Pearl Harbor, pentatonic song, pianist, piano tuner,,, satire, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Kirsten blog, Steinway M grand piano, Steinway piano,, Teach Street, uk-piano-forums, Uncategorized, US Army, veterans, vets, word press,, World War II, Yokohama, York, you tube, you tube video

Mr. York in his own voice, a Musical WW II Memoir

Without giving away the content of this video before it is seen, suffice it to say that the viewer will long remember this tender World War II story as recounted by 84 year old, Connell York, piano tuner, in his own words, and through a memorable song. Enjoy! Kirsten Productions Aviva Kirsten, Director and Video… Continue reading Mr. York in his own voice, a Musical WW II Memoir