"Did Somebody Say Fresno" compiled by Aviva Kirsten, Berkeley California, Berkeley piano studio, El Cerrito California, El Cerrito piano studio, Monterey Market in Berkeley California, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten

My new home in Berkeley, California

My dreams of living in Berkeley have been fulfilled!

"Did Somebody Say Fresno" compiled by Aviva Kirsten, Big Apple, Fresno the TV miniseries with Carol Burnett, New York City, Panic in Needle Park with Al Pacino, The Out of Towners with Jack Lemmon and Sandi Dennis, visiting the Big Apple, word press, wordpress.com, you tube, you tube video

Feeling like an “Out of Towner,” going back to hometown New York

I’m soon to embark for NYC to attend a Memorial service for my beloved aunt. Only this time around, I’ll be flying out of the San Francisco Airport. (I relocated to Berkeley, California in September 2012 following a 30-year death sentence in Fresno) Two years ago, a movie-threaded narrative plotted all possible outcomes of my… Continue reading Feeling like an “Out of Towner,” going back to hometown New York