documentary, Eberfest, Ethan Hawke, film, piano, Roger Ebert, Seymour Bernstein, Seymour: An Introduction

Happy Birthday, Seymour Bernstein!

I just sent the following message back East! "Seymour, May this be the best year ever with continued celebration of your wondrous achievements as a pianist, teacher, composer, author, philosopher, and global musical ambassador." While gratitude is expressed far and wide for what Seymour Bernstein has advanced in the musical and interpersonal communication universe, he… Continue reading Happy Birthday, Seymour Bernstein!

documentary, Ethan Hawke, movie, Seymour: An Introduction

A San Francisco Landmark and musical reunion!

Did I expect a dental visit to UCSF on Parnassus to blossom into a Landmark expedition through the Embarcadero Business Center?! Why not? I'd caught a glimpse of Seymour an Introduction playing in close proximity to my #6 AC TRANSIT point of departure once I stepped off BART on Market Street in downtown San Francisco.… Continue reading A San Francisco Landmark and musical reunion!

adult piano instruction, Beethoven,, documentary, Ethan Hawke, film, Journal of a Piano Teacher from New York to California, Ludwig Van Beethoven, piano blog, piano blogging, Seymour: An Introduction, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten

Judy, Seymour, and Ludwig

It was no surprise that Judy, one of my adult piano students came to her lesson yesterday gushing about Seymour: An Introduction. And naturally, in the nick of time, I grabbed my super-charged, helium packed iPhone and added the latest film rave to my growing collection. Need I say more?... or is it SEE MORE?..… Continue reading Judy, Seymour, and Ludwig

documentary, Ethan Hawke, film, Seymour: An Introduction

Love the Second Time Around: Seymour, An Introduction

I've seen Ethan Hawke's sensitive film portrait of Seymour Bernstein now FOUR times as I amass a film archive of interviews and written tributes. Need more be said? Run to see a cinematic masterpiece so well framed by Ann Hornaday at the Washington Post: ‘Seymour: An Introduction’ is a soaring, sublime ode to art and… Continue reading Love the Second Time Around: Seymour, An Introduction

Ethan Hawke, Ethan Hawke documentary, piano blog, piano blogging, piano teaching, Seymour Bernstein, Seymour: An Introduction

Run! to see Seymour: An Introduction, Ethan Hawke’s film masterpiece

I went! I cried! I applauded! Those of us immersed in the arts as students and teachers, felt especially validated. On the East Coast, harpsichordist, Elaine Comparone was riveted to the Big Screen just as I nestled into a snug seat at the Albany, California Landmark Twin theater. (East Bay, California) She perfectly summed up… Continue reading Run! to see Seymour: An Introduction, Ethan Hawke’s film masterpiece