"Aglow with Creative Fire", Appel Farm, Appel Farm Art and Music Center, Appel Farm in Elmer New Jersey, arioso7, classissima, classissima.com, Elaine Comparone, Elaine Comparone Harpsichordist, First Moravian Church NYC, Harpsichord Unlimited, Harpsichord.org, Hubbard Harpsichord, J.S. Bach Cantata no. 78, Lyrichord, Lyrichord Early Music Series, Peter Seidenberg, Robert Zubrycki, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten, The Queen's Chamber Band plays Mozart, Veronica Salas, word press, wordpress.com, you tube, you tube video

The Harpsichord has a new lease on life! Elaine Comparone is its biggest advocate!

Elaine Comparone is a champion of the harpsichord like no other. Not only does she play with "red-blooded" passion sweeping it off its mantle of obscurity, but her nonprofit organization Harpsichord Unlimited is dedicated to stimulating interest in the instrument as a living, breathing, contemporary musical communicator. Its museum portrait is a thing of the… Continue reading The Harpsichord has a new lease on life! Elaine Comparone is its biggest advocate!