adult piano instruction, harmonic analysis, J. C. Bach Prelude in A Minor, J.C. Bach, Johann Christian Bach, piano blog, piano blogging, piano instruction, piano lessons by Face Time, piano lessons by Skype, Theory, Theory and piano lessons

Weaving Theory and Harmonic Rhythm into a piano lesson

The flow of harmony in and out of pieces should be a big part of a piano lesson. Yet it's one thing to isolate chords in student a hand-out, but quite another to bring phrases to life with an infusion of harmonic rhythm awareness in the process of playing. In this video sample, a student… Continue reading Weaving Theory and Harmonic Rhythm into a piano lesson

Bach, Bach Little Fugue in C major BWV 952, Baroque form fugue, classissima,, Elaine Comparone, fugue form analysis, J.S. Bach BWV 952 in C Major, J.S. Bach Fugue form, Jan Karman, Lance Walton, piano instruction, piano lessons, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten, Theory, Theory and piano lessons, whole body listening, whole body music listening, word press, word, wordpress,, you tube, you tube video, you, yout tube,

Piano Instruction: Can we over-analyze a Bach fugue?

Little Bach Fugue in C, BWV 952 required insights into its organized structure so I could better teach it. But how much analysis was required and could it be trusted?

Christmas music, Harry Simeone, Henry Onorati, Katherine Davis, Little Drummer Boy Christmas carol, piano, piano instruction, piano lessons, piano teaching, Theory, Theory and piano lessons, word press, wordpress,, you tube video, you, yout tube,

Piano Lessons: Theory and Christmas Music interwoven (Videos)

Music Theory is often dreaded by piano students so why not make it intrinsic to learning an appealing selection.

piano instruction, piano lessons, playing piano, sight-singing, Theory, Uncategorized, word press,, you tube

The importance of Sight-singing, Ear-Training, and Theory in Piano Study

Theory and Ear-Training are indispensable ingredients of a well-rounded music education.

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Using piano repertoire as a springboard for a theory lesson: Major, minor and Diminished Chords (Videos)

One of my adult students is working on the gorgeous J.C. Bach Prelude in A minor which has a second page full of "Major," "Minor" and "Diminished" chords. The sonorities progress in sequences, but they also have a secondary dominant relationship to resolving chords. The "harmonic rhythm" moves quickly. While this particular pupil may not… Continue reading Using piano repertoire as a springboard for a theory lesson: Major, minor and Diminished Chords (Videos)

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Piano Lesson Excerpts: Practicing the Bach Invention 13 in A minor (Videos)

This morning, Claudia, 11, practiced the J.S. Bach A minor Invention behind tempo, (in slow motion) to improve her musical/technical understanding of the composition. She worked on "weaving"/shaping the main idea or subject, which is a broken chord figure. The interaction between hands or voices (there are two them) was a particular focus, as it… Continue reading Piano Lesson Excerpts: Practicing the Bach Invention 13 in A minor (Videos)

blogs about piano,, Domenico Scarlatti, K. 113, phrasing at the piano, piano, piano addict, piano instruction, piano lessons, piano teacher, piano teaching, piano technique, piano tutorial, Piano World,, pianoworld,, playing piano, Scarlatti, Scarlatti Sonatas, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Kirsten blog, Shirley Smith Kirsten, slow mindful practicing, slow piano practicing, Teach Street, teaching piano, teaching piano scales, Theory, whole body listening, whole body music listening, word press,, you tube, you tube video

Piano Technique: Using a spring forward wrist, and arc motions for hand crossovers in Scarlatti Sonata in A, K. 113 (three videos)

Every so often I revisit a composition I've previously studied applying a different perspective. In Scarlatti's A Major Sonata, with its very demanding Allegrissimo tempo marking that makes the crossed hand sections seem impossibly difficult, I decided to parcel out pertinent measures in practice tempo. The goal was to inch up to a faster rendering… Continue reading Piano Technique: Using a spring forward wrist, and arc motions for hand crossovers in Scarlatti Sonata in A, K. 113 (three videos)

El Cerrito, El Cerrito California, El Cerrito piano studio, pianist, piano, piano addict, piano instruction, piano instructor, piano lesson, piano lessons, piano pedagogy, piano teacher, piano teaching, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Kirsten blog, Shirley Smith Kirsten, sight-reading at the piano, sight-singing, sight-singing, sightreading at the piano, Theory, word press,, you tube, you tube video

Sight-reading through two pieces: Putting myself in the hot seat! (Videos)

I vowed at some point to do a hands-on follow up to my sight-reading post, and tonight was my chosen time to brave the virgin territory of two compositions from "Anna Magdalena's Notebook," edited by Keith Snell. I randomly picked "Polonaise in G minor" BWV 119 (Anonymous) and another of the same form, BWV125 by… Continue reading Sight-reading through two pieces: Putting myself in the hot seat! (Videos)

improving sight reading skills, layered learning, learning piano, mind body connection, mindful piano practicing, mindful practicing, music and heart, musical inspiration, musical phrasing, New York City High School of Performing Arts, Oberlin Conservatory, phrasing at the piano, pianist, piano, piano addict, piano instructor, piano lesson, piano lessons, piano lessons and parental support, piano pedagogy, piano playing and relaxation, piano practicing, piano teacher, piano teaching, pianoworld,, playing piano, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Kirsten blog, Shirley Smith Kirsten, sight-singing, sightreading at the piano, singing tone legato, Teach Street, teaching piano to children, Theory, whole body listening, whole body music listening, word press,

Piano Study and the value of SINGING against a cultural backdrop of vocal inhibition

Singing has always been a basic, if not primitive form of communication between parent and infant. A tender melody often lulls a colicky baby into blissful sleep along with rhythmic rocking motions. As the tyke eventually babbles and coos high-pitched sounds that prime his vocal cords, mom or dad will respond in the same squeaky voice… Continue reading Piano Study and the value of SINGING against a cultural backdrop of vocal inhibition

Chopin Waltz in A minor, pianist, piano, piano addict, piano instruction, piano instructor, piano lesson, piano lessons, piano practicing, Piano World,, playing piano, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Kirsten blog, Shirley Smith Kirsten, skyped piano lessons, slow piano practicing, Steinway M grand piano, Steinway studio upright, Teach Street, teaching piano, teaching piano to children, tempo rubato, Theory, uk-piano-forums, whole body music listening, word press,, you tube, you tube video

More Lesson-in-Progress excerpts, Chopin Waltz in A minor, No. 19, Op. Posthumous (Video)

Preserving teaching moments on video allows students an opportunity to review what transpired at their lesson as a springboard to improve practicing during the week. In this particular situation, I was able to e-mail the You Tube link to Claudia, 10, and Claire 8, both of whom are studying the Chopin A Minor Waltz No.… Continue reading More Lesson-in-Progress excerpts, Chopin Waltz in A minor, No. 19, Op. Posthumous (Video)