Andy Strong Haddorff Postcards, Bach Prelude in C minor BWV847, Cinnamon Bear, Cinnamon Bear at Piano World, Debussy Arabesque no. 1, Haddorff, Haddorff piano, Haddorrff console piano, Haddorrff upright piano, Illinois, piano, Piano World, Rockford Illinois, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten, word press,, you tube, you tube video

The Cult of Haddy Haddorff, her dual personality, and lovesick owners

"Haddy" Serious, but exalted in Bach.. Affording a dreamscape of beauty in Debussy These are her remarkable polarities. Depending on the weather, and internal environment, she can either raise you up, or let you down. But even with her intermittent note-lazy landscape, she will always sing heart songs. I happen to be in… Continue reading The Cult of Haddy Haddorff, her dual personality, and lovesick owners