"America" from West Side Story, "Somewhere" from West Side Story, 1961 movie West Side Story, Edna Golandsky, Karen Olivo in West Side Story, Karen Olivo stage actress, Leonard Bernstein, Natalie Wood, phrasing at the piano, pianist, piano, piano instructor, piano lesson, piano lessons, piano playing and relaxation, playing piano, Taubman piano method, Uncategorized, West Side Story, word press, wordpress.com, you tube, you tube video

The Taubman method and controversial wrist break

On my way home from the Bay area on Amtrak 712, I grabbed a few extra table napkins from the dining car, and let my imagination run wild as I scribbled some notes to myself. "Wild" should be emphasized since I had some pent up frustration related to the Taubman-Golandsky's ban on the "wrist break."… Continue reading The Taubman method and controversial wrist break