Journal of a Piano Teacher from New York to California, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Kirsten blog, Shirley Smith Kirsten, spammers, spammers at my blogsite at Word Press, spamming at Word Press, word press, word,

Wacky Spammer posts at my Word Press Piano Blog!

I routinely DELETE most if not all spam comments posted at my blog site. But a few are worth preserving for their humorous content.

Take this one from a supposedly legit piano instructor with a children’s music teaching website.

She had commented on my “Neighborhood Teacher Lives On” posting:

Submitted on 2012/02/04 at 10:47 pm

“I believe avoiding prepared foods is the first step so that you can lose weight. They can taste fine, but processed foods have very little vitamins and minerals, making you try to eat more in order to have enough energy to get over the day. When you are constantly
having these foods, converting to grain and other complex carbohydrates will make you to have more vitality while consuming less. Great blog post.”
Not Spam | Delete Permanently

My comment: I can’t make head or tail of this morsel, unless the contributor thought my losing weight would improve my appeal as a “neighborhood” teacher?

(For her information, I can’t afford to shed one more pound or I’ll be on the verge of emaciation)


This spam sample reflects the garden variety laced in porn:

The poster was commenting on “A piano room photo portrait like a painting”

Submitted on 2012/02/06 at 3:32 am

Sometimes I really wonder about Bisexuell… Hmmm..”

Either the contributor is French or doesn’t know how to spell Bi-sexual.

Could she be the one Instant Messaging me at Yahoo? Cross fertilizing her tripe?


How about this one? Should I race to Google Translator?

Submitted on 2012/02/05 at 10:55 pm

“Nieslychanie lubianego w dzisiejszych inicjatywach kuchni sa hokery, inaczej wysokie krzesla kuchenne osobliwe w celu przestrzeni barowych. Azeby wtajemniczyc wsuwa do lokalnej gastronomii [url=]Fotele[/url] musimy przystosowac ich kierunek do zupelnej koncepcji wystroju. Zwodzi sie bowiem ow, ktory sprawy ze jest niewiele sposobow hokerow. Malutko niebiezacego – jest ich cale ogrom, a niektorego sposrod nich, za sprawa wlasne ekstrawaganckiego cialo, nie przypominaja standardowych znacznych krzesel barowych.”

He was commenting on “The Formative Years of Piano Study and the Basic Building-blocks of Learning.”


Submitted on 2012/02/05 at 5:39 am

A Spammer offered this after Aiden cat stepped by accident on the iMac keyboard freaking himself out. I snatched a few video frames and blogged about it.

“That’s the way the cookie crumbles. alle Feuerzeuge Feuerzeuge Werbemittel”

He’s got a point…


A Tad more relevant?

Submitted on 2012/02/04 at 3:14 pm

“After browsing the Net I located your article, “Piano Instruction: A charming, quick-paced piece for late elementary students, titled “Clowns,” by Gillock” (VIDEO) | Arioso7’s Blog and thought it extremely intriguing. There is some excellent solutions here.

“Your readers might like to take a glance at my report about fitness. Thanks”.

My comment: Well, they need to have energy to practice the “Clowns” piece.


Submitted on 2012/02/05 at 11:55 pm, in response to:

“The Formative Years of Piano Study and the basic building-blocks of learning” (Videos)

“Nieslychanie lubianego w dzisiejszych inicjatywach kuchni sa hokery, inaczej wysokie krzesla kuchenne osobliwe w celu przestrzeni barowych. Azeby wtajemniczyc wsuwa do lokalnej gastronomii [url=]Fotele[/url] musimy przystosowac ich kierunek do zupelnej koncepcji wystroju. Zwodzi sie bowiem ow, ktory sprawy ze jest niewiele sposobow hokerow. Malutko niebiezacego – jest ich cale ogrom, a niektorego sposrod nich, za sprawa wlasne ekstrawaganckiego cialo, nie przypominaja standardowych znacznych krzesel barowych.
Bez wzgledu od momentu naszego stanowiska do nieniniejszego rodzaju rozstrzygniec powinno sie przyjrzec sie uwazniej jednej sposrod najwazniejszych sprawie naswietlanych za sprawa producentow nierzeczonego typie mebli. Przechodzi w tym polozeniu tylko o napomykane dopelnienie krzesel natomiast foteli. W wysokiej proby plonach rodzicielki az do [url=]fotele biurowe[/url] robienia z scisle mowiac zwanym granulatem polistyrenowym. Wypelnienie wyznaczaja w takim casusie unikatowego elastycznego globulki umozliwiajace wolne stosownosc sie krzesla azali fotela do miesa jednostce siedzacej.
Meble gwoli przychowek sa roznorodnego, komplet zalezy odkad stylu zas warunkow w krajowym mieszkaniu. Ogromnie kluczowe w tym niecalym jest oraz, oraz odpowiednio przede kazdym, obronnosc przychowek. Ciasnego latorosl istnieje jakoscia nader sprochniala w ogole nie ujednolicona az do samoistnego dzialania. Wazne [url=]meble dla dziecka[/url] jest dodatkowo badz pociecha owo mloda dama azali chlopczyna co ujawnia sie w specyficznej masci atoli oprocz tego odmiennych rysunkach. Meble gwoli dziatwa winnos byc w jasnych kruczkach, wesolych zas tkliwych, by dziecko odpowiednio sie gdybalo w ich otoczeniu. Z pozostalej strony w celu dziatwa w czasu w przyblizeniu przedszkolnym wazniejszy prawdopodobnie byc prezencja odkad bezpieczenstwa. Wbrew reprezentacyjnemu zdaniu odpowiednio utworzone natomiast niszczone klany drewniane nie topnieja solidnoscia tym pewnym. SPOSROD owego tez wzgledu nasza firma specjalizuje [url=]Domy z drewna[/url]
sie w szopowie domkow zatytulowanymi: klany z drzewa. Rody dretwego owo wlasna specjalizacja. Jestesmy prostolinijnym producentem takich domow. Zapraszamy na krajowa pagine internetowa izby poznac sie sposrod lokalna podaza.”

I WON’T GO THERE. Wait a second, this must be the same spammer who earlier posted a shorter version of the diatribe.

From: cheap violins

Submitted on 2012/02/05 at 12:20 pm

cheap violin responding to: “If this is the Russian Singing Tone School of Piano Teaching, then it’s a Winner!” (Videos)

“Possibly you might have taken into consideration cheap violin? Adding some information about cheap violin is going to be great addition.”
Not Spam | Delete Permanently

My comment: Most cheap violins won’t allow a player to produce a decent singing tone. I had one of those cigar boxes, and I know first-hand.


Finally, there’s always a hounding, armchair critic who gets his jollies by personally tormenting me. This lurker was finally trashed on Word Press and separately at Yahoo.

He never fails to tell me that I can’t play, teach, or write to his satisfaction. (with insults and innuendo accompanying his comments)

I think his posts are best buried in a landfill far from Fresno and El Cerrito, CA, or at a nuclear waste site.

2 thoughts on “Wacky Spammer posts at my Word Press Piano Blog!”

  1. OK I don’t feel so bad. I have one site that says the most ridiculous things. Please at least they shouldn’t insult my intelligence. Too bad there isn’t a way to fine them on the spot. That just might help!


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