El Cerrito, Fresno, humor, pianist, piano, piano instruction, piano teacher, scales, Shirley Kirsten, tennis, Uncategorized, you tube

Alex breaks the choke hold on his scales (You Tube video)

Alex, a high school senior and varsity tennis player takes his piano lessons very seriously. He’s diligently working on perfecting his technique so nerves won’t cause his scales to crash and burn.

Today we couldn’t have had a better soap opera script in progress, when Alex confessed to losing his composure right before a tennis match and tied this same problem to his scale choke-ups.

Such a personal performance anxiety manifesto arrived in the nick of time. It framed our lesson and provided a specific objective to eradicate all physical and psychological stumbling blocks to playing a relaxed series of 16th and 32nd notes in contrary motion.

I told Alex to “have fun.”

This riveting snippet of Alex letting his guard down, displaying his imperfections in the process of improving his scale performance, illustrates his willingness to help others by his own example.

Over the course of 30 minutes, Alex showed a dramatic improvement in his technique and concluded his lesson with a new sense of confidence. He smiled into the video camera as proof.

The video showcased obtained all necessary releases and is available to the general public and to those suffering with finger tripping syndrome.


4 thoughts on “Alex breaks the choke hold on his scales (You Tube video)”

  1. Just discovered your blog and have been watching some of your technic videos which I as an adult learner find very helpful..have been taking lessons for quite a long time now, but still struggle with learning pieces and never get them to “perfection”(haha). You have encouraged me to carry on and not give up…Thank you and keep up the good work.


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