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Rina, age 4, has her THIRD piano lesson using Irina Gorin’s “Tales of a Musical Journey” (Videos in 6 parts)

I enjoyed today’s musical adventure with Rina but not all lesson segments are reproduced in completion in order to control length. In instances where my student used her Right Hand, we continued the activity with her Left Hand which is an important component of Irina Gorin’s “Musical Journey” through the kingdom of sounds.

Every video has a text box which summarizes what was set as a goal in each portion.

At the conclusion, Rina’s father, Jesus, sang a Venezuelan song from a collection he had given me. At that point Rina sat at the piano beside me and added her embellished accompaniment. This was her great opportunity to tap the “D” she had learned today which resided in the little note house pictured in “Tales of a Musical Journey.” (She also identified and played the notes C, D, and E and had some practice in both hands though not all is posted on You Tube) In the future, I will be highlighting the lessons, illustrating new learning landmarks as we go along.

Rina made big strides today and I was very proud of her!

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:



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