Bach Invention, Bach Inventions, Daniil Trifonov, Fresno California, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach Invention 13 in A minor, J.S. Bach Prelude in C minor BWV 847, Journal of a Piano Teacher from New York to California, MTAC Baroque Festival, Philipp Lorenz Memorial Keyboard Concerts, pianist, pianists, piano, piano blog, piano blogging, piano blogs, piano instruction, piano instructor, piano lesson, piano lessson, piano pedagogy, piano practicing, piano teachers, piano teaching, piano technique, Piano World, piano world-wide,,, pianoworld,, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Kirsten blog, shirley s kirsten, slow mindful practicing, slow piano practicing, studying piano, teaching piano, teaching piano to children, word press, word, wordpress,, you tube, you tube video

A Music Packed Saturday and Sunday! (Video) and NEW PHOTOS!

The MTAC Baroque Festival and Daniil Trifonov's recital at Fresno State cap this weekend's events, giving our city a warm cultural embrace amidst its Bulldog-driven sports fever! First on the line-up, Claudia, 11, will play the Yamaha concert grand piano at the University's recital hall today.(The Steinway is sequestered) She'll offer two Bach selections: Invention… Continue reading A Music Packed Saturday and Sunday! (Video) and NEW PHOTOS!