"How could this happen to my piano?" by Shirley Kirsten, Baldwin Hamilton 1929 grand piano, Baldwin piano, buying a used piano, pianist, piano, piano buyer, piano seller, playing piano, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten, Steinway M grand, The Piano Book by Larry Fine, word press, word press.com, wordpress, wordpress.com, you tube, you tube video

My blind date with a “new” piano–

I'm meeting a 5'2 Baldwin Hamilton in El Cerrito today, Sunday, and I'll videotape the introduction for posting on You Tube. This is the piano that had a verboten phone interview with a follow-up long distance tech eval. Good report, but the verdict is still in my hands when I run my fingers over its… Continue reading My blind date with a “new” piano–

A-440 Pianos, antique pianos, cast iron piano plate, Connell York, cracked piano plate, Internet sale scams, Pascal Vieillard, piano repair, piano technician's guild, Piano World, pianoworld.com, Proksch piano, Shirley Kirsten, Uncategorized

Funeral for a cracked plate (piano) Caveat Emptor!

The brief ceremony above was followed by preparation for interment. More funeral photos are added at this writing's conclusion. The plate, before it was laid to rest.... No one will believe this story, except those who trust their eyes to bear witness to a tragedy that befell a piano and its owner. The photos attached… Continue reading Funeral for a cracked plate (piano) Caveat Emptor!