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Piano lessons should be tailor-made for each student (Videos)

I've come to the conclusion that no full-proof piano method, or method book can be applied across the board to beginning students or those at any level of study. Each pupil is so unique that an individualized growth and development plan is needed. By example, I faced a dilemma when a new adult student who… Continue reading Piano lessons should be tailor-made for each student (Videos)

Irina Morozova faculty Mannes College of Music, Irina Morozova pianist, Journal of a Piano Teacher from New York to California, pianist, piano, piano addict, piano instruction, Piano Street, piano teaching, Piano World, piano world-wide, playing piano, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten, The Manhattan School of Music, The Special Music School Kaufman Center, word press, word press.com, wordpress, wordpress.com, you tube, you tube video

Pianist, Irina Morozova blends teaching and performing in a satisfying career (Videos)

Pearly words of wisdom flowed so naturally from the pen of Irina Morozova, a concert pianist and teacher, who responded graciously to my set of pointed questions. As introduction, she's a Mannes College of Music piano faculty member and teaches children at the Special Music School/Kaufman Center in Manhattan. Immersed in a richly rewarding career… Continue reading Pianist, Irina Morozova blends teaching and performing in a satisfying career (Videos)