Baroque music, J.S. Bach, Johann Sebastian Bach, Johann Sebastian Bach Prelude in C, Journal of a Piano Teacher from New York to California, Kabalevsky, Kabalevsky Galop, Kabalevsky Op. 39 Children's pieces, pianist, piano, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Smith Kirsten, The Well Tempered Clavier, wordpress,, you tube, you tube video

A third year piano student shines playing J.S. Bach’s C Major Prelude (Well-Tempered Clavier)

Sakura, 12, is preparing the Bach C Major Prelude from the Well-Tempered Clavier Book I, for the upcoming MTAC Celebration Festival (Music Teachers Association of California) And she's right on course heading for a satisfying performance in March. Being Left-Handed, she's given her Right extra compensatory practicing in an effort to acquire satisfying equality. But… Continue reading A third year piano student shines playing J.S. Bach’s C Major Prelude (Well-Tempered Clavier)

Aikido, Galop by Kabalevsky, German, Japan, Japanese, Kabalevsky, Kabalevsky Op. 39 Children's pieces, mind body connection, mindful piano practicing, mindful practicing, MTAC, music, music and the breath, Op. 39 Children's Pieces by Kabalevsky, phrasing at the piano, pianist, piano, piano addict, piano instruction, piano instructor, piano lesson, piano lessons, piano pedagogy, piano playing and breathing, piano playing and phrasing, piano playing and relaxation, piano practicing, piano practicing motivators, piano repertoire, piano student, piano teacher, piano teaching, piano technique, Piano World,,, pianoworld,, playing piano, playing staccato at the piano, practicing the left hand at the piano, publishers marketplace, publishersmarketplace, Shirley Kirsten, Shirley Kirsten blog, Shirley Smith Kirsten, Taekwando, Teach Street, teaching piano to children, video performances, whole body listening, whole body music listening, word press,, you tube, you tube video

Aikido and Piano are a good match for Sakura (Video) (Note the rolling forward wrist motion in Kabalevsky’s “Galop”)

Aikido Main article: Aikido Aikido shihōnage technique. "Aikido (合氣道:あいきどう aikidō?) is a modern grappling-based Japanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba (植芝 盛平 Ueshiba Morihei, 1883 – 1969). The art consists of "striking", "throwing" and "joint locking" techniques and is known for its fluidity and blending with an attacker, rather than meeting "force with force".… Continue reading Aikido and Piano are a good match for Sakura (Video) (Note the rolling forward wrist motion in Kabalevsky’s “Galop”)