piano lesson

Sight-reading, Transposition, and Ear-Training for the Adult Piano Student

Setting aside a segment of lesson time to work on sight-reading and transposition is an essential ingredient of piano learning. It sensitizes a student to interval relationships while inviting an analysis of notes within a tonal, harmonic, and rhythmic frame. In the transposing universe, Bartok's *Mikrokosmos provides an excellent source of such material in graduated… Continue reading Sight-reading, Transposition, and Ear-Training for the Adult Piano Student

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The very first lesson with a new Intermediate or advanced piano student: thinking creatively on your feet

Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to meet a new adult piano student who had studied for a few years. Besides having this basic, preliminary information, I had no other tangible clues about her level of playing. The suspense of not knowing what music she would bring was lifted when two contrasting era works… Continue reading The very first lesson with a new Intermediate or advanced piano student: thinking creatively on your feet

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Piano Instruction: Solfeggio and Transposing (Videos)

Solfeggio, or using Do, Re, Mi, etc. musical syllables is a valuable adjunct to naming notes with letter names. It improves sight-reading and transposing while it develops ear-training skills.

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Sight-reading through two pieces: Putting myself in the hot seat! (Videos)

I vowed at some point to do a hands-on follow up to my sight-reading post, and tonight was my chosen time to brave the virgin territory of two compositions from "Anna Magdalena's Notebook," edited by Keith Snell. I randomly picked "Polonaise in G minor" BWV 119 (Anonymous) and another of the same form, BWV125 by… Continue reading Sight-reading through two pieces: Putting myself in the hot seat! (Videos)